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InnuxTracking PDF Print E-mail
software de controlo de serviçosInnuxTracking is the perfect solution for companies to monitor time of service performed by its employees on clients.

During a visit to the customer, the employee is provided with a portable player that should pass each checkpoint to save the location, date and time of service. These points are available in the form of contact tablet using NuxTour and the RFID chips to for NuxMobile. The information is instantly transmitted to a computer for further processing and analysis.

The flexibility of this application also allows to share data across a local network. The employee carries with him a portable player that at the time of execution of the service approached the checkpoint to save the location, date and time of entry of the service.

InnuxTracking can only be installed on a PC from which all components of the control system services are used. If you need more flexibility and want to share your data with others in your company then you can configure InnuxTracking so that it functions via a local network. With this software you can use NuxTour terminal that uses memory contact technology and also the NuxMobile, that uses RFID technology.

User and profile management
Departments and employees management
Management of Terminals and clients
Collection of markings
Query time presence
Outpatient appointments
Reports in Crystal Report
Database - Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008
Language - C# Microsoft.NET Framework
Multi-company, multi-post and multi-user
Remote Assistance

Compatible hardware